We are open and operating all services over the holiday period, emergency & after hours call out is also available.

Wishing all our customers a
Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year!
Have any questions or need a quote?
Please complete the form below we’ll be happy to help.
Graffiti removal
services & products...
We provide the graffiti cleaning products and services that are effective for virtually all surfaces, bio-degradable and safe for the environment. Councils, industrial enterprises, business owners, property owners & managers all now have a solution to combat the spread of graffiti.
The Experienced
Graffiti Removal Perth
We have a product and matching technique to carefully and thoroughly remove graffiti from materials such as metal, powder coated surfaces, stonework, brickwork, concrete, rendered surfaces, painted surfaces, plastics as well as sensitive structures such as statues, monuments and heritage buildings.
EzyClean SupaSafe
Clean & Disinfect, &
graffiti removal products
Graffiti Gone WA are the exclusive West Australian distributor of EzyClean Graffiti Removal products, the best commercial grade quality products currently in Australia. All graffiti experts know that the key to effective removal of graffiti is knowing which products to use for different circumstances and how to use them.

The Graffiti Gone Purpose Built Specialised Surface Restoration Vehicle
Professional Graffiti Removal Training Course
for Local Government