EzyClean Blue Aerosol
Box of 12 Cans (minimum order 1 box)
At the request of Professional Arts Management Perth, Graffiti Gone WA recently had the privilege of being able to successfully complete the removal of a large multi-layered, multi-coloured graffiti vandalism tag from the Niche Mural Panels in Victoria Gardens, East Perth. The mural panels completed by Joanna Capelle trace the evolution of the area from [...]
Graffiti Gone WA has recently completed the supply and application of two (2) coats of the premium, unique water-based EzyGuard anti-graffiti penetrating sealer to the brand new Skate Sculpture designed 1,800 SQM Bayswater Skate Park at Wotton Reserve. The new facility includes a mix of intermediate and advanced jumps, plus we’ve added some new elements [...]
Graffiti Gone WA has recently completed the removal of 120 linear meters of concrete line marking paint from a haulage yard for a major transportation company customer. No concrete mowers or grinders were used for the line marking removal as mechanical removal is proven to damage the concrete surface. Graffiti Gone WA has developed a [...]
Chidlow Skate Park, Shire of Mundaring Construction of the new Skate Sculpture designed ‘urban style’ Chidlow Skate Park in the Shire of Mundaring has just been completed. Graffiti Gone WA was requested by the Shire of Mundaring to supply and apply two (2) coats of the premium, unique water-based EzyGuard anti-graffiti penetrating sealer by Graffiti [...]
Graffiti Gone WA have recently come to the aid and assistance of a resident whose new property was the subject of a vindictive graffiti vandalism attack involving throwing Plumbers Red PVC Primer Fluid onto decorative limestone facing blocks. Graffiti Gone WA developed a three-stage process using EzyClean Red graffiti removal chemical and a very hot [...]
Darlington Skate Park, Shire of Mundaring Graffiti Gone WA has recently completed the removal of multiple offensive graffiti vandalism tags from the street style Darlington Skate Park in the Shire of Mundaring. In addition to the removal of the offensive graffiti vandalism tags, part of the scope of work was to apply the unique water-based [...]
Graffiti Gone WA have recently completed the sympathetic and delicate supply and application of the premium water-based EzyCoat Repel anti-graffiti coating to the Darlington Community Garden Grand Arbor. The Darlington Sports & Recreation Association was provided with a grant by the Australian Government and in conjunction with Vogels Building, the Department of Health and the [...]
The new Skate Sculpture designed ‘street style’ Southern Cross Skate Park in the Shire of Yilgarn has just been completed with the supply and application of two (2) coats of the premium, unique water-based EzyGuard anti-graffiti penetrating sealer by Graffiti Gone WA. The EzyGuard penetrating sealer was applied to all skating areas including ramps, elevated [...]
Graffiti Gone WA has recently completed the supply and application of two (2) coats of the premium, unique water-based EzyGuard anti-graffiti penetrating sealer to the brand new Skate Sculpture designed and constructed urban-style skate park at Gwynne Park in the City of Armadale. The EzyGuard sealer was applied to all skating areas including ramps, elevated [...]
Graffiti Gone WA – Regional Northern WA Graffiti Removal Road Trip As part of the recent hugely successful Graffiti Gone WA (GGWA), graffiti removal road trip to Northern WA including the Kimberley and Pilbara regions, GGWA were engaged by the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley to complete the rejuvenation of the White Gum Skate Park [...]
Graffiti Gone WA have recently completed the graffiti removal and the supply and application of two (2) coats of the premium EzyCoat Repel anti-graffiti coating onto the interior tunnel walls and the retaining walls of the children’s playground area at Sculpture Park for the Shire of Mundaring. EzyCoat Repel is a world leading permanent, water [...]
Graffiti Gone WA have recently completed the supply and application of anti-graffiti coating and sealers to the new 1,400 SQM Midvale Skate Park, which will provide the ultimate protection against graffiti vandalism tags for years to come. The project was split into two (2) component scope of works (SOW’s). Scope of Works #1: The [...]
We have a product and matching technique to carefully and thoroughly remove graffiti from materials such as metal, powder coated surfaces, stonework, brickwork, concrete, rendered surfaces, painted surfaces, plastics as well as sensitive structures such as statues, monuments and heritage buildings.
1300 158 064
0448 272 323
12 Newark Way,
Secret Harbour, WA, Australia 6173
ABN 26 854 994 896